Tuesday, May 13, 2008

More on Schlafly, Education & Beer

A Wash U professor wrote a very good article about how honoring Phyllis Schlafly & Chris Mathews is indicative of a larger issue: Is the University selling it's soul - a research-oriented, intellectual, scientific award winning soul - to look cool?

Also, of note, according to an alumnus who was a student rep to the Board of Trustees, the suggestion to honor Gloria Steinem was quickly shot down. Apparently, honoring individuals "from all aspects of the political spectrum" doesn't include both sides of the feminist "debate."

As I began writing this post - using only Schlafly's last name in the title, a burning, desparate question occurred to me: Is Schlafly's beer, the best local beer in STL, owned by Shlafly's family and does Phyllis have any say?

The answer is yes - sort of. According the Schlafly's website, Phyllis is the aunt of the owner, Tom Schlafly, and was married to Tom's father's brother. However, she is not involved in the business. Furthermore, it's unclear as to whether Tom even works there: "Tom is a lawyer who tells the people in his law office that he practices law full time; and he tells people in the brewery that he works on the brewery full time. No one in either place is really sure what he does." Funny.

To make things a little better, they give you some sense of their feelings about women:
  • Why don't you guys have Schlafly girls?
  • We do, they're just too classy to dress like tramps and flaunt themselves as sex symbols (anyhow, our beer is so good, we don't need gimmicks to promote it).

So next time I'm in the Lou, I know I can sip on a Schlafly guilt free.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Dead Kennedys, Wash U, & Phyllis Schlafly

I just found out that my dear alma mater - Washington University in St. Louis - will be giving Phyllis Schlafly an honorary doctorate at the upcoming commencement. (Thank you Feministing!)

I can handle the fact that a douche bag like Chris Mathews is giving the Commencement address - especially since I didn't even go to my graduation so I'm not really inclined to be concerned about who graduates and their families have to suffer through - I can even, kind of, handle the fact that they are also giving him an honorary doctorate (I mean, what for?) but Phyllis fucking Schlafly?? Seriously?!?!?

As a response to this outrageous bullshit, I wrote a quick email to Chancellor Wrighton:

Dear Chancellor Wrighton,

I was shocked to learn that Washington University will be honoring Phyllis Schlafly this year. In fact, I double checked to be sure that it wasn't the other Washington, because I just could not understand how an institution that valued me as a community member could be honoring someone who doesn't believe that I have should have full rights as a human being. While I and my fellow students and alumni value diversity of thought, there is a difference between making a space for intellectual discourse across the spectrum and honoring, which in essence condones and validates, a divisive political figure - especially one who are argues against the rights of over half the student body.

I want you to understand that, given this information, I cannot continue to support the University. When donating to my alumnus, I had always assumed that my money would be helping to build an intellectual community of diversity and tolerance. I cannot in good faith continue to support an institution that chooses to honor someone who doesn't believe that I deserve the full rights of a human being.

In the immortal words of Jello Biafra (misogyny issues aside) in the Dead Kennedy's Song "Moral Majority":

Blow it out your ass, Terry Dolan
Blow it out your ass, Phyllis Schlafly
Ram it up your cunt, Anita
Cos God must be dead
If you're alive
God must be dead
If you're alive